
1. 一个简单实例




% An illustration of longtable
    \label{table:label}  \\ % add \\ command to tell LaTeX to start a new line
    line1   &   line2   &   $t_1$   &   $t_{12}$    &   $t_2$       &   $r$(\%)&    $D$(GB)&    $D_{nc}(GB)$&$G_t$(\%)&Station\\    
    % data begins here
    10      &   2       &   0:22:00 &   9:46:00 &   2:00:00 &   80.49   &   159.18  &   302.25  &   89.88   &   Cours Dillon    \\
    204     &   205     &   2:01:00 &   2:57:00 &   1:11:00 &   47.97   &   95.21   &   138.43  &   45.38   &   Ayguevives Collège  \\
    % more data here


这里提醒一点,如果把表标题\caption{}或者标签\label{}放在前面,要在其后添加换行\\,否则会报“! Misplaced \noalign.”错误。

如果是表头单元的宽度与其他行不一致,多编译几次就行了,这是因为longtable为了节省内存和避免溢出采取分块处理表格带来的副作用,详情见TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange: Bad width of head of longtable

2. 重复表头、表尾


  • \endhead, specify rows (比如表头) to appear at the top of every page (under the headline, but before the other lines of the table)
  • \endfoot, specify rows (比如水平线\hline) to appear at the bottom of each page.
  • \endfirsthead,只作用于表格的第一页。
  • \endlastfoot,只作用于表格的第一页。

值得注意的是,这些命令需要放在表格开始处(at the start of the table)。以下是一个实例,每一页头部重复表头,每一页尾部重复水平线(\hline)。



    \label{table:label}  \\ % add \\ command to tell LaTeX to start a new line

    % Appear table header at the first page as well
    line1   &   line2   &   $t_1$       &   $t_{12}$    &   $t_2$       &   $r$(\%)&    $D$(GB)&    $D_{nc}(GB)$&$G_t$(\%)&Station\\    

    % Appear the table header at the top of every page
    line1   &   line2   &   $t_1$       &   $t_{12}$    &   $t_2$       &   $r$(\%)&    $D$(GB)&    $D_{nc}(GB)$&$G_t$(\%)&Station\\    

    % Appear \hline at the bottom of every page

    % data begins here
    10  &   2       &   0:22:00 &   9:46:00 &   2:00:00 &   80.49   &   159.18  &   302.25  &   89.88   &   Cours Dillon    \\
    204 &   205 &   2:01:00 &   2:57:00 &   1:11:00 &   47.97   &   95.21   &   138.43  &   45.38   &   Ayguevives Collège  \\
    % more data here


3. 适应页面宽度


3.1 改变字体大小



% Temporarily change the font size


} % End of changing the font size






3.2 缩小列间的间距



% Change the intercolumn space



3.3 调整表格边缘



% Adjust margins
\setlength\LTright{-1in plus 1 fill}



3.4 多行显示

使用longtabu(tabularx + longtable)将长文本在单元格多行显示。



% Use longtabu
\begin{longtabu} to \textwidth {|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|}


3.5 纵向显示


\usepackage{lscape}     % for landscape





有了这些,应该能调成自己满意的格式:-) 完整的例子,我已分享到我的GitHub,在这里longtable.tex

References: [1] The longtable package - CTeX.pdf [2] TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange: longtable: hline doesn't display on the first page [3] TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange: How to set width of longtable

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