XeLaTeX has been added to the standard commands of Texmaker since the version 3.5.1. This blog shows how to use XeLaTeX in Texmaker with a simple example.

1. Use XeLaTeX in Texmaker

Menu --> Options --> Configure Texmaker --> Quick build --> Select 'XeLaTeX + View PDF',as shown in the following figure:

Texmaker configuration

Fig. 1. Texmaker configuration

The Latin Modern fonts is defaulted by XeLaTeX, not covering Chinese. To display Chinese characters correctly, the font type should be assigned explicitly by using the command:

\usepackage{fontspec}  %Advanced font selection in X∃LATEX and LuaLATEX

\setsansfont{<font name>}[<font options>]

Here is a simple example.



\setsansfont{Microsoft YaHei}   %Microsoft YaHei Regular (don't include Regular )
% or use the filename



PS: Check Windows available fonts by Start --> Run --> %windir%\fonts --> OK.

2. More about XeLaTeX

The following text is excerpted from the wikipedia XeTeX:

XeTeX (/ˈziːtɛx/ *zee-tekh*[1] or /ˈziːtɛk/) is a TeX typesetting engine using Unicode and supporting modern font technologies such as OpenType, Graphite) and Apple Advanced Typography (AAT).

XeLaTeX is a replacement for PDFLaTeX, it takes LaTeX input and turns it into a PDF. The major differences between latex/pdflatex and xelatex are[2]:

  • xelatex assumes input is in UTF8 (which allows encoding of non-English and non-Latin characters) by default
  • xelatex uses system fonts, not specially installed latex fonts

For more info, please reach out the official website http://www.tug.org/xetex/.


[1] Texmaker changelog

[2] Using XeLaTeX

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